AngularJs Advantages and Disadvantages – Why AngularJS is Popular
AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework that extends HTML with new attributes to create reusable custom components and enhance web application performance and expressiveness. AngularJS lets you extend HTML vocabulary for your application so you can declaratively specify what your app looks like instead of how it works, which makes your app easier to maintain in the long run and makes it possible to use the same knowledge to build single-page applications or mobile apps. It’s pretty simple and easy to learn, and there are many good resources (books, videos, e-guides, tutorials) online if you need help getting started.
No Pre-requisite knowledgeIt may be a brand new framework, but it’s still one of the easiest to learn. There are no pre-requisite skills needed to start using AngularJS. Just a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript will get you started right away. The simplicity of use has made it so that anyone can learn it quite easily and start building complex websites with just a few hours worth of lessons. No other JavaScript framework comes close to having that kind of usability.
Open source
The popularity of open source software means that a skilled developer isn’t as expensive as you might think. A decent front-end engineer for small projects should cost less than $20 an hour, so if you’re on a limited budget but know exactly what you want, it makes sense to hire someone to write your Angular code for you. But remember: These developers are freelancers with other clients, so communication is key. Hire someone who has experience working with Angular, who can provide references from satisfied clients (or even better, look at their portfolio), and who will communicate clearly and frequently throughout development.
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Easy to extend
Most modern frameworks are easy to extend because they offer plug-ins for everything. But, in addition to that, it’s also very easy to build your own customizations. If you find yourself needing a new feature that no one else has created yet, you can simply build it yourself instead of having to pay a developer thousands of dollars to do so. It makes sense from a cost perspective as well as from an efficiency perspective. Furthermore, since other developers have extended most modern frameworks in numerous ways, there are many code examples available for you to use as reference material when building your own extensions.
Easy to test
AngularJS comes with an embedded web-server, making it easy to test your code. Even if you don’t want to test your code directly, mocking out all of your dependencies in a unit test means that it’s easy to write integration tests. Mocking is when you create stand-in objects for other objects—so you can simulate what will happen when two pieces of code interact with each other in a system. Testing is important because once your application reaches some scale (like many users or transactions), even simple bugs can be extremely costly; they not only make your customers unhappy but they cost time and money to fix. If a bug slips into production and you don’t catch it immediately, it could affect thousands of people around the world.
Great MVC
One of Angular's biggest advantages over similar frameworks like Backbone.js or Ember.js is its Model-View-Controller design pattern. The MVC pattern takes a lot of strain off your back end, because it handles most of your UI concerns, leaving you free to focus on what you do best: writing clean, modular code for your server-side logic. You can also hire angularjs development company who specializes in single tasks (like database design) to work with you rather than attempting to do it all yourself.
Less secure
AngularJS isn’t known for its tight security. There have been recent, major vulnerabilities that resulted in data theft, which has led to poor press for Angular. These should be taken seriously because they are indicative of a larger problem. With every website using some sort of code, it’s important to pay attention to updates and patches as they come out so that your site doesn’t become a victim of malicious users. The vulnerabilities were reportedly fixed in March 2015, but not before many high-profile sites were affected by them. Paying attention to security flaws will keep you from suffering from those same issues—and make it easier for you to hire angularjs developers who can help shore up any other weaknesses you discover along the way.
No specific way
In short, AngularJs Advantages and Disadvantages is a Javascript framework that can be used to enhance HTML documents with dynamic content. The framework is maintained by Google. Moreover, it supports MVC (Model View Controller) pattern as well as it has got lots of built-in directives which are inbuilt modules for your application development without any effort. Lots of developers hire developer to get their apps developed easily using angularjs instead of doing from scratch as it requires less time during the development process if you decide to develop using angularjs than others like JQuery etc. It simplifies DOM manipulation in Javascript coding, thus making things easier for developers.
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JavaScript, or JS for short, has been around for nearly two decades. It was first introduced in 1995 by Brendan Eich as part of Netscape Navigator 2.0, and has since become a standard feature of most web browsers. The JavaScript code that developers use to create their web pages isn't actually executable, it's just plain text that identifies what should be displayed when your browser loads up a given page. Although some argue that learning to read JS code is similar to learning a secret language, learning how to program in JavaScript can be incredibly valuable if you're interested in developing your own website or apps in addition to writing professional posts like these!
Not supported everywhere
Angular doesn’t have full browser support yet, with only Chrome, Firefox and Safari making up more than 90% of users. As a result, if you plan to target mobile browsers or IE9 users, you might want to hold off on using Angular for now. Despite improvements over time however, some quirks still remain so many mobile developers don’t currently use it to develop their apps. While Angular can be used in any browser that supports JavaScript, it may not run as quickly in older browsers as newer frameworks because of its larger size.
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Memory leakage
an important drawback of JavaScript apps built on top of DOM nodes. To prevent memory leaks, one approach is to manually clean up references. However, it can be difficult to keep track of which objects hold references to other objects that need to be cleaned up. Maintaining a manual garbage collector often leads to memory leaks since developers may forget when or where they created new references. Keeping your finger on all object lifetimes can be difficult in large applications with many dependencies and instances that are created dynamically at runtime.
AngularJS is fast and lightweight, easy to learn, has one-way data binding and allows two-way communication between model and view. One of AngularJS’s biggest benefits is that it’s created in JavaScript, which means it can be used alongside other front-end libraries like jQuery. AngularJS also comes with strong testing frameworks and debugging tools for rapid development. The framework may not be as sophisticated as some other competitors but its popularity with web designers is growing at an extremely fast rate because it offers developers more control over their code. Not only does it support single page applications, it also works well for creating mobile apps in both iOS and Android using Ionic Framework. AngularJS can be used along with any type of server technology including .NET and NodeJS.
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